All posts by sleadrevenue

One red color Chrysler car is shown.

How To Extend Chrysler’s Battery Life

Mechanic's hand checking car's battery.
Car Battery Measurement. Professional Car Mechanic Testing Vehicle Battery

Key Takeaways

  1. Batteries are needed to start your car and power its electronic components.
  2. Clean your Chrysler’s battery terminals to improve the connectivity between the battery and the cables.
  3. Check your battery’s cables and connections, and consult a technician if you notice any damage.
  4. Wipe the battery casing so that accumulated dirt doesn’t drain its power.
  5. Change your driving habits, so your Chrysler’s battery isn’t under unnecessary pressure and preserved accordingly.
  6. You can also insulate your battery to maintain a consistent temperature during hot and cold weather both.
  7. If nothing works, your battery may need replacing, for which you should consult a technician.

Car batteries are the most vital component of your car – you can’t start a car without a battery! Also, batteries power several electronic components of your vehicle, like the fan, lights, USB ports, and more. 

Your Chrysler’s battery life is around 3-5 years and, if maintained well, can be stretched even longer. However, you’ll need to replace your battery after a certain period, no matter how much care you take – batteries don’t last forever. 

Just remember that certain conditions can impact the longevity of your Chrysler’s battery life, like heat, humidity, and weather. You can also always tell the condition of your battery when the weather is cold – a battery nearing the end of its life will take much longer to start your car in the cold. 

5 Simple Ways to Extend Chrysler’s Battery Life

To prevent your Chrysler’s battery from failing or leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere, we have a few tips to follow to prolong its life all year round. 

Clean The Terminals

Car batteries work much better when cleaned properly, which is valid for most electronic items. Corrosion on your Chrysler’s battery terminals makes it difficult for the current to flow between the battery and the cables, preventing your car from starting.

To clean your terminals, scrape minor corrosion with a screwdriver or pliers to keep the current flowing. Often, drivers mistake functioning batteries for “dead” batteries because their terminals have too much built-up corrosion for them to work correctly. Don’t make the same mistake – instead, make it a point to clean your terminals whenever possible.

If there is a more significant buildup of corrosion, take your Chrysler to a service center and consult a technician. They will clean your terminals, spray them with an anti-corrosion solution, and install corrosion protectors to prevent further damage. This will increase your Chrysler’s battery life and help you avoid replacing it.

Check Cables And Connections

Every time you check your Chrysler’s oil, check your battery – it should be securely in place since the excessive vibrating of a loose battery can damage the plates. Similarly, ensure the battery terminal connections are tight since loose connections can make it break down sooner.

Sometimes, your battery isn’t even the problem; it could be working perfectly, but your cable could be damaged, preventing the current from reaching the components of your Chrysler that need it. This can make it seem like your battery is failing when your cables are damaged. 

Check your cables if you feel like your battery isn’t working correctly. If you notice any damage, consult a technician immediately.

Wipe The Casing

It may seem complicated to believe that a dirty battery casing affects its life, but it is proven that dirt and debris that collects on your battery’s casing can drain its power. This dirt buildup can also make it harder to start your car, especially in cold weather or if you’re driving it after a few days. 

Fortunately, all you need to do is wipe the casing off with a damp rag to clean it, and you’re good to go.

Modify Your Driving Habits

Several driving habits could contribute to your Chrysler battery’s rapid drainage. Remember – the battery aims to start the car and keep it running. Once the engine starts, it begins recharging the battery. 

But suppose you’re careless and leave the interior lights, headlights, radio, or other electrical components on long while the car is off. In that case, the battery will drain rapidly without being charged simultaneously (since the engine isn’t running). 

This will make it challenging to start your car the next time you drive it. Not only that but frequent draining and recharging of your battery will shorten its life drastically.

In addition, you should make sure you drive your car regularly; your Chrysler’s battery life will be drained if you keep it sitting for weeks or months without driving it. If your Chrysler is sitting idly in your garage, take it around for a spin every week to prevent your battery from failing.

That said, do not make short, unnecessary trips instead of preserving your Chrysler’s battery life – short trips tax the battery since it has to start the car first, recharge for only a few minutes (while you drive), and then turn it back off. 

Consider walking or riding a bicycle when you have closeby errands to run, and if it’s too cold for that to be an option, leave the car running while you swiftly run your errand.

Insulate Your Battery

You can always go the extra mile and buy simple plastic insulating blankets for your Chrysler’s battery. These insulators help keep your battery warm in cold weather and cooler in hot weather. 

Since it helps the battery maintain a moderate temperature regardless of the weather conditions, an insulating blanket can significantly increase your Chrysler’s battery life. Just ensure your battery is small enough for enough space in your engine compartment to wrap it in the blanket.

Signs You Should Replace Your Battery

If you see any of the following symptoms in your Chrysler’s battery, make sure you bring it in and get it checked at a dealership as soon as possible:

  • When the ignition clicks but your Chrysler doesn’t start
  • When you see a buildup of corrosion around the battery
  • When you smell rotten eggs from the battery
  • When your engine starts but turns over too slowly
  • When battery-powered components of your car are malfunctioning
  • When the battery case is bloated

All of the above signs indicate that your battery might be failing. In such cases, it is best to consult a technician instead of tinkering around with your battery. The worst that can happen is you will require a replacement for your battery. 

So How Do You Extend Your Chrysler’s Battery Life?

Remember: not every battery suits a specific vehicle or driving conditions. If you try all of the above and still face problems with your Chrysler battery, go to a Chrysler service expert who understands your vehicle’s needs. 

It’s not only the battery company that makes all the difference but also the size, reserve capacity, offered amps, and more. Fortunately, our service professionals consider all these aspects when handling a Chrysler battery. 

At Auffenberg Chrysler of Herrin, our team of experts will thoroughly inspect your battery before drawing any conclusions, keeping your needs and requirements in mind. So what are you waiting for? Visit our dealership on South Park Avenue, Herrin, IL, today!  

2023 Ram 1500 parked near a house

How To Make Your Car Look Chicer

Interior seats of a car is shown.

Let’s face it: buying an attractive car is easier said than done. Only some can afford a sweet ride fresh out of the showroom, which is a bummer for people who want their vehicles to be both efficient and glamorous. Remember, if you can’t afford the latest car model you’ve dreamed of, you don’t have to drive an unbecoming vehicle. 

With a little effort and spare dollars in your savings, you can elevate your ride in several affordable ways to make it look chicer. Not only will this eradicate the desire to get a new car, but you’ll also feel way better about flaunting what you already have. Here are a few wallet-friendly, practical tips to make your car look chicer.

Get Your Car Professionally Washed

Take it from us – nothing makes your car look worse than if it’s visibly dirty. Dust, grime, crumbs, and stains are the biggest reason your car looks worse for wear. So first, clean any residual trash from your car – say goodbye to leftover fast food bags, water bottles, and snack wrappers. The first step for your car to look better is making sure it’s clean as a whistle; even the most excellent cars look horrible when they’re dirty. 

So don’t just get your usual car wash and vacuum – take your vehicle for a full-scale detail clean by a team of professionals. 

Repair Any Dents

Anybody with a car knows that dents – no matter how negligible – take away from the overall appearance of your car. Not only does it make your car look worn down, but it also reflects on your driving; people will assume you’re irresponsible and avoid driving or parking near you, fearing that you might also dent their cars. So it doesn’t matter if the dents on your car weren’t your fault – people will always assume they are!

Don’t ever cover your dents with paint. Paint will make them stick out even more. Instead, look around your local auto body places and gauge repair prices. Some repairs are less effort than others if you get replacement parts at junkyards.


Getting your car waxed is a relatively low-effort, low-cost procedure that removes small scratches and gives your car a brilliant shine. Not only that, but it also protects your car from damage like rusting and fading. 

What’s more, waxing is easy enough for you to do yourself; wax kits are available at almost every auto shop. If you can’t find any, you can order one online for less than $50.

Fix Scratches And Paint Defects

Having a flawless finish on your car shows how much you care about it. Of course, you can wax your car and protect it from damage, corrosion, and the like. But if a shopping cart crashes into your vehicle or gravel flies up from a bumpy road and knocks against the exterior, scratching your paint – don’t let those scratches stay untreated. 

Especially not when it’s so easy to repair them! You can get wallet-friendly scratch repair kits at auto body shops or take your car to them and get them fixed. Make sure you match the paint when fixing your scratches – colors that aren’t the perfect match won’t do. You don’t want your car looking like a patched-up, decades-old clothing item.

The scratches on your car and the swirl marks left by washing only need an annual polishing for your vehicle to have a high-end shine. Use a good power polisher for the best results, and make sure your body paint is clean before polishing it – or else you’ll end up with more scratches on your car. is a helpful, nifty website where you can order original factory paint that matches the paint on your car exactly. So if you have scratches on your vehicle that you know need fixing, look no further. It’s super easy and will make your car look ten times better.

Car Wrapping

Car wrapping is arguably one of the coolest ways to improve your car’s look. It can make your car look brand-new, even if you already have an impeccable paint job. The vinyl wrap can to change your car’s color and apply images and even textures to your beloved ride. What’s more, vinyl wraps these days cause zero damage to your vehicle’s preexisting paint job and can be removed whenever you want!

It’s up to you what parts of your car you’d get wrapped in vinyl, but if some of it gets dirty or damaged, you can always replace it. There are innumerable ways you can style your car using vinyl wraps to make it stand out, and you’d be surprised at how much cheaper they are than traditional paint jobs. A vinyl wrap lasts about 5-7 years, which, if you ask us, is a reasonable period for something as cost-effective as that.

Tint Your Windows

We only endorse tinting your vehicles with over 80% limo tints if you want to look like an obnoxious try-hard. Instead, slightly tinting your car’s rear windows can add a nice flair to the overall look of your car. Even tinting the front windows is okay – just make sure the amount of tint is legal. Tinting your windows more than the legal limit of your area can get you heavily fined.

There’s no denying that tinted windows add mystery and intrigue to your car. It also gives a high-end effect since people outside can see whoever’s driving less clearly than they would with no tint, indicating that a  driver is an important person. As silly as it sounds, trust us – this is how the human psyche works. Make sure you determine how dark you can go with your tinting while not breaking the law; if you don’t, you’d have to empty your pockets for the fine and remove the tints.

New Lights

New lights are a foolproof way of making older cars look fresher and new. Old, worn-out, foggy headlights make your car look tired and aged. Adding a new set of headlights or tail lights can make your car look good as new. 

You can even restore fogged-up, dirty headlights to freshen up your car’s appearance. Or you could replace the bulbs in your car’s lights to make them look brighter and sharper.

Changing The Wheels

Despite how expensive your car’s wheels once were, years of driving on them can and will wear them down. They will peel, rust and chip away as the years go by and give your car an aged look you never asked for. However, this doesn’t mean you need to get rid of them; several auto body shops offer wheel restoration services, sanding down and refinishing your wheels. 

This is a pocket-friendly alternative to buying a new set, but if you want to pull out the big guns, do that by all means. 

Nowadays, the options for wheels are limitless: you can choose them according to what sort of car personality you want to depict. Plenty of options are budget-friendly too. Installing alloy or chrome wheels, for example, is comparatively cheaper and makes your car  look high-end.

Decide on your wheel size before anything else. Though bigger wheels draw more attention, you’d need a new set of tires for them. On the other hand, choosing a size the same as your original wheels means you can reuse the tires and save up on the extra costs. Then decide the wheel finish you want; shiny, reflective chrome wheels give you a glitzy metallic look, while painted wheels have a different vibe.

However, if you match or accentuate the color of your car’s body paint, it’ll look even better. And remember  that wheel finishes need as much care and maintenance as every other part of your car – so once you get new wheels, maintain them, so your vehicle keeps looking chic,  not cheap.

Enhance Your Pedals

It’s not common to cover your accelerator and brake pedals with something like aluminum, but it does add a unique look to your ride. Not only that but changing your pedal covers would give you non-slip, scratch-resistant surfaces for your feet, along with the welcome illusion that your car may have a knack for racing (even if it most definitely doesn’t).

The icing on the cake is that  this process can be executed for as little as $10 if you make it a DIY project. Bang for your buck if we do say so ourselves.

Pinstripe Your Car

Elevate your car’s body by applying pinstripes or pinstripe graphics to it. Pinstripes can be the splash of color your otherwise monotone car needs. Not only that, but you can place them strategically to cover something like a dent; they’ll serve as an optical change depending on how you put them on. 

There is a wide variety of pinstripe kits available online. You can find ones for basic pinstripes or ones with unique brushes and templates inspired by Steve Kafka, the pinstriping master. So give it a go and push yourself out of your comfort zone, pinstriping the way your creativity allows you to.

Change Your Seat Covers And Floor Mats

Changing your seat covers and floor mats is an effective, easy way to upgrade your car’s interiors and fix its upholstery. Not only that, but they serve as protection for your car’s original seats and prevent staining on your car’s floor too. Just be careful when buying seat covers – there’s a fine line between tacky and stylish. Research which ones will look best considering your car’s appearance.


There are several ways you can make your car look newer, chicer, and more high-end, and most of them are very budget-friendly. Remember, the mark of a true car-lover is the amount of care they take for their ride. How well your car is maintained also reflects on your personality as a car owner, so ensure you’re keeping it in top shape and leaving little to no room for improvement.

Are you looking to elevate your car’s look? You can start by servicing your vehicle with full-scale detail here at Auffenberg Chrysler of Herrin. Our team of professionals is highly experienced with all sorts of vehicle services and upgrades, and we guarantee your car will be in good hands. Schedule a car servicing and maintenance appointment on our website now!

One grey color 2022 Ram 1500 is running on the road.

8 Tips To Keep Your Truck’s Maintenance Low

One grey color 2022 Ram 1500 is running on the road.

Despite how efficient and well-built they may be, trucks require care and maintenance even though they’re juggernauts on the road. Like other vehicles, they need regular maintenance, service, and check-ups, which are even more crucial if you use your truck for business. Therefore, a proper maintenance plan is necessary to keep your truck’s maintenance low. 

How To Keep Your Truck’s Maintenance Low

Fortunately, maintaining your truck’s value is less daunting than you may think. In fact, it is very similar to how you’d service any other kind of car. However, if you’ve ever wondered whether you’re on the right track, look no further. Here are eight tips to help ensure your truck remains in top shape.

1. Regular Oil Changes

Engines need fresh oil every few months to prevent overheating. Unfortunately, oil breaks down over time, and when it does, the friction between the moving parts of an engine increases, putting the engine at risk of failure.

Fresh oil is necessary to cool engine components and remove engine wear particles and sludge that could hinder your engine’s functionality. In addition, changing your oil maintains your truck’s fuel consumption and consequently improves its gas mileage. The standard period you should change your truck’s oil is after every six months or every 7,500 miles driven.

Simply put, f you don’t change your engine oil regularly, the accumulated dirt will lead to engine corrosion, affect its efficiency, and decrease lifespan. So don’t take oil changes lightly!

Pro tip: it would be best if you changed the oil filters of your truck engine according to your truck manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Inspect Your Truck Engine

Ensure your engine is in good shape whenever you’re about to hit the road for a long trip. First, check the engine for signs like loss of power, vibrations, excessive exhaust smoke, and knocking noises. These signs indicate something is wrong with your engine’s functionality. In addition, assessing your engine coolant, oil pressure, and exhaust temperature is necessary, so create a routine checkup of all of the above. 

Additionally, make sure to conduct a regular compression test. This will show you the condition of your engine’s valves, valve seats, and piston rings, giving you an idea of how they are wearing down. Or ask an auto technician to look at your engine’s air filter to ensure it’s not clogged with debris and dirt. If it is, get it replaced immediately. 

If the engine air filters of your vehicle are clogged, it won’t get enough fresh air, hindering its performance and increasing the risk of engine failure. On the other hand, the air filter supplies enough airflow to your engine to run effectively and prevents contaminants from entering the engine, ensuring it remains unharmed. Hence, it is crucial to keep a check on it and replace it when necessary.

3. Wash Your Truck

Washing your truck is often ignored when it comes to truck maintenance, but believe it or not, cleaning your truck can extend its life and efficiency. The dirt that collects on your truck’s body can cause paint scratches, but it can also make its way into your truck’s oil, fuel, or engine components and affect your truck’s efficiency.

Use a gentle cleaning agent for the interiors of your truck, and regularly clean and wax the exterior body so that it has a topcoat to protect your paint. In addition, invest in good quality paint for the truck’s body; a well-sealed paint coat will help increase the durability of your truck’s exterior.

4. Check Your Tires

Truck tires tend to wear down unevenly. This is caused by several factors, such as unequal alignment, harsh weather conditions, and over/underinflation. Misaligned tires can increase the likelihood of such problems, but you can prevent this by rotating your tires. 

Rotating your tires regularly will make sure your tires wear evenly. The auto technicians you consult will solve any misalignment problems faced by your tires; ask them to give them a look whenever you get your truck’s oil changed.

Driving aggressively over roads at high speeds increases the possibility of misaligned tires, resulting in higher wear and tear, poor handling on the road, and worse gas mileage.

5. Lubrication

Several parts of your truck, like its hinges, latches, suspension parts, gear, and steering, are prone to friction-induced wear and tear. Make sure to lubricate these parts regularly to elongate their lifespan. 

6. Test and Inspect

Several components of your truck can be tested for efficiency now and then. Inspections are mandatory if you want to keep your truck’s maintenance low. For instance:


Make sure your brakes are functioning perfectly by conducting a periodic test. This will prevent any chance of brake failure and accidents or vehicle damage.


Employ your truck manufacturer’s recommendations for moisture control treatment and check your truck’s basic fluid levels, like engine oil and coolant. Make sure your engine oil is cool before reading the levels, and if it’s dirty or smelly, it’s time you change it. Likewise, check coolant levels by opening the cap when the engine is cool and refilling as needed. 

Electric Systems

The motor, alternator, and battery are the main electrical systems necessary to start your engine. Check them routinely and make sure the wires are fixed in place. If they aren’t, call an expert to fix them as soon as possible, as loose wires can cause several hazardous complications.

7. Assess Your Trip Condition Beforehand

Knowing your trip condition is one of the most necessary aspects of caring for your truck long-term. Depending on your usage, your truck needs different extents of care. How you manage and maintain your truck defines the kind of maintenance and care it requires. 

Some vehicles require special maintenance if used in dusty conditions, harsh weather, offroading, or heavy loads. Hence, consulting a mechanic to know what course of action you should take would be ideal.

8. Check On Other Components

Believe it or not, more basic components, like lights, brakes, etc., are worth checking now and then. After all, oil changes are just one of the things you need to do regarding truck maintenance; monthly check-ups on basic parts will alert you of any problems before they turn into full-blown issues. 

Check on your exterior and interior lights; dim lights can indicate an electrical issue, and burned-out lights can be dangerous. Go the extra mile and put some spare fuses in your glove box, too – they’ll come in handy during the most unexpected situations. 


Trucks are made to withstand harsher weather conditions and driving environments; hence they are used for longer, weightier trips. However, it is crucial to remember that you can extend the lifespan of your truck by following just a few maintenance tips. Looking out for your truck and keeping it in top shape will benefit you in the long run.

If you’re looking to service your truck, you can opt for a vast range of services at Auffenberg Chrysler of Herrin, IL. In addition, you can keep your truck in safe hands with our team of professionals.

Car washing is shown.

Top 7 Ways To Retain The Value Of Your Vehicle

Blue car washing on open air

Key Takeaways

1. A new paint job is a great way to increase the value of your car.

2. Make sure to get your car regularly serviced to maintain its value.

3. A well-maintained car is always more valuable than one that has been neglected.

4. Keep your car clean and free of any dents or scratches.

5. Don’t make any drastic changes to the car’s appearance.

Are you one of those people that constantly worry about your car’s depreciation? It’s a valid concern, as a brand-new vehicle can lose up to 20% of its value in the first year, and one can’t do much for depreciation. There are ways to retain more of your car’s value for longer.

No one wants to lose money on their car, especially when they know there are things they can do to retain its value. In this blog post, Auffenberg CDJR of Herrin will go over the top 7 ways to retain your car value.

Factors that Affect Car Value

While maintaining your car value, it’s important to be aware of the different factors that can affect it. Here are some factors to keep an eye on that can affect your car value when resale.

1. Depreciation

The value of your car will depreciate over time, no matter what you do. It’s a natural process for all vehicles!

2. Mileage

The number of miles on your car will affect its value. Generally, the lower the mileage, the higher the value.

3. Condition

Your car’s condition will play a significant role in its resale value. By taking care of it and keeping it clean, inside and out, it will retain more value than a car that hasn’t been well-maintained.

4. Personalizing Cars and Modifications

Personalizing your car to your taste may make driving more enjoyable, but it can decrease the car’s value. During the time of selling, potential buyers may not be as interested in a vehicle that has been customized, and they may be willing to pay less for it.

5. Location

The location of where you live can play a role in how much your car is worth. Suppose you live in an area with traffic and pollution. In that case, your vehicle will depreciate faster than in a small town or rural area.

6. Car Make and Model

Your car’s model and brand will also affect its value. Some cars are just worth more than others, plain and simple.

7. Accidents

Your car value could depreciate if it’s been in any minor accidents. Potential buyers will know that the car was involved in an accident, which may be concerned about hidden damage and part replacement.

Ways to Retain Car Value

Judging by the factors we’ve discussed, it might seem like there’s not much you can do to keep your car’s value high.

But don’t worry, quite a few things can maintain and even increase it.

Ways to Retain Car Value

1. Keep Up with Regular Maintenance and Oil Changes.

Maintaining your car can go a long way in preserving the value of your vehicle. By keeping regular maintenance, you can keep your car running and looking well.

 It means getting oil changes as per the manufacturer’s suggested timeline and fixing any issues that may come up.

2. Giving it a Thorough Car Wash

You can’t expect a potential buyer to be impressed with a dirty car. Whether you do it yourself or take it through a car wash, ensure the outside and inside of your car are clean before you show it off.

Keep your car waxed and polished to give it extra shine.

3. Protect it From the Elements

Bad and uncertain weather can take a toll on your car’s exterior. Whenever possible, park in a garage or under an overhang to keep it out of the snow and rain.

If you can’t avoid parking in the elements, it’s best to clean and dry your car regularly so that you may prevent further damage.

4. Drive Safe, and Follow Traffic Laws

Although it’s a known fact but bears repeating — driving safely will help keep your car in good condition. Not only does obeying the law keep you and other drivers safe, but it also helps maintain the value of your vehicle.

Drive within the prescribed speed limit and avoid sudden braking and hard accelerations, as they can cause long-term damage to your car.

5. Fix Dents and Door Dings ASAP

Not only do they look bad, but dents and door dings can also lead to rust and other damage. As soon as you notice any, take your car to a professional to have them repaired.

You can fix most minor dents relatively quickly and inexpensively, so it’s worth taking care of them immediately. Hire a car maintenance service.

6. Get a Paintjob to Avoid Rust

Rust is the enemy of all cars, and it can quickly decrease the value of your vehicle. If you live near the sea or notice any rust forming, take your vehicle to a professional to get a new paint job.

The paint coating will ensure that the metal underneath does not rust. However, avoid any funky color for the paint jobs as it will become harder to sell.

7. Use Floor Mats

Buy floor mats to keep your car clean from the inside and prevent the original carpets from wearing out too quickly. Apart from that, you can remove floor mats easily and clean them. This will allow keeping your car looking new for much longer.

Also Read: 7 Signs That It’s Time For A New Automobile


So, there you have it! These are just a few simple ways to retain your car’s value. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to get top dollar when it comes to selling.

Do you require an honest location to get your CDJR vehicle serviced?

Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin in Crainville, IL, is here to assist! We understand the significance of having a dependable automobile. We can handle it all, whether you own a Chrysler, Dodge, RAM, or Jeep! You want the most exemplary service for your vehicle, and we can deliver.

Make an appointment today to discover how we can help you!


9 Car Noises You Should Never Ignore

One mechanic is working on a car.

Key Takeaways:

  1. You should never ignore the more common car noises: grinding, hissing, and clicking. These noises can indicate serious problems with your car that needs immediate attention.
  2. Engine knock usually indicates a build-up of deposits in your engine. Still, it could also signify a more serious problem, such as a cracked engine block.
  3. The CV joint connects the wheels to the axles; if it’s damaged, it can cause a clicking noise.
  4. Don’t hesitate to take it to a car mechanic for a diagnosis when you hear weird noises from your car. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Noise in your car is never a good thing. It usually means something needs fixing, and the sooner you attend to it, the better. If your car starts emitting strange noises, it’s important to pay attention and figure out what might be wrong. Ignoring strange noises from your vehicle can lead to more serious problems down the road.

Remember that some noises are more serious than others, and some can even be dangerous if left ignored.

Read: Common car noises & what they mean!

In this post, we’ll list some of the noises you should never ignore in your car to keep your vehicle running smoothly & safely. Happy driving!

1. Engine Knock

An engine knock is a sharp, metallic sound from the engine. It’s usually caused by a build-up of deposits on the piston or valves. It can be pretty serious if left unchecked. If you hear knocking from your engine, it could indicate something wrong with the pistons or rods. It also signifies a more severe problem, such as a cracked engine block. A car mechanic should check this serious problem out as soon as possible.

2. A Clicking Noise When You Turn

If you hear a clicking sound when you turn the steering wheel, it could indicate a problem with the CV joint. The CV joint connects the wheels to the axles; if it’s damaged, it can cause a clicking noise. Getting these noises checked out by a car mechanic is important.

3. A Screeching Noise When You Brake

A screeching noise could be an indication of a problem with the brakes. The brakes may need to be replaced or adjusted if they’re making this noise. Get your brakes checked by a car mechanic.

4. Whistling Noises

If you hear a whistling noise from under the hood, it’s likely caused by a problem with the turbocharger or supercharger. This problem needs to be fixed immediately. If you ignore it, the damage will only worsen and could eventually lead to engine failure.

5. Windshield Wipers That Make a Loud Noise

The blades on your windshield wipers wear down over time, and when they get too worn, they can start to make a loud noise. If you notice that your windshield wipers are making a noise, it’s a good idea to replace them. However, it’s not a problem that needs your immediate attention.

6. A Knocking Noise When You Turn the Wheel

A knocking sound when you turn the wheel indicates there’s an issue with your suspension. The suspension is responsible for providing a smooth ride. If there is any damage, it will need to be repaired or replaced. If you hear this noise, make sure to take your car in for service so that the suspension can be checked and repaired if necessary.

7. Bubbling Or Hissing Sound From The Engine

It could indicate a coolant leak if you hear your engine’s bubbling or hissing noise. Without coolant, your engine would overheat and break down. It’s vital to keep your engine running at the correct temperature, so if there is a leak, it could cause some serious damage to your engine. If you’re not sure, check the dashboard for a coolant warning light.

8. A Grinding Noise When You Drive

Any problem with the transmission system may produce a grinding noise. The transmission may need to be replaced or repaired. If you hear this noise, it’s crucial to have the transmission checked by a car mechanic. There’s nothing you can do yourself.

9. Rattling Or Clanking Noises

If you hear a rattling or clanking noise from under the hood, it could indicate that something is loose. This could be something as simple as a loose heat shield or something more serious, like a heat shield or exhaust manifold. The exhaust system is responsible for redirecting fumes away from the engine. If it is damaged, it can cause the fumes to leak into the cabin of the car.

In either case, it’s best to have your car checked out by a car mechanic to be safe.

What to Do When Your Car Makes Weird Noises?

You can either ask someone knowledgeable about cars or look up the noise online.

However, you should get in and drive it around for a bit. This way, you can listen to the noise and narrow down where it comes from.

Once you have identified the noise source, you can look up what it could be and how to fix it.

Regularly checking your car for these sorts of noises can help keep it running smoothly and avoid any serious issues.

One mechanic is working on a car.


These are just a few of the car noises you should never ignore. If you hear any strange noises coming from your car, it’s always best to have it checked out by a professional. Preventative maintenance can go a long way in keeping your car running smoothly for years.

Are you looking for a reliable place to service your CDJR vehicle? Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin is here to help!

We know it’s critical to have a dependable vehicle. Whether you own a Chrysler, Dodge, or Ram – we can handle it all!

You want the best for your car, which you’ll get when you come to Auffenberg CDJR of Herrin, serving Hurst, IL. Our team can do everything from basic car maintenance to major repairs!

Schedule an appointment today and see the difference Auffenberg CDJR of Herrin can make!

One grey color Chrysler car is parked outside a building.

The Illinois Insider: Financing Vs. Leasing Your Car

One red color Chrysler car is parked.

Key takeaways:

  • Financing involves acquiring a loan to pay the vehicle in full.
  • Leasing a car means renting it for a set period.
  • Go for leasing if:
    • You don’t want to spend a lot of money on a car purchase.
    • You’re not planning on keeping the car for more than a few years.
    • You don’t mind sticking to a mileage limit.
  • Go for financing if:
    • You want to own the car outright.
    • You plan to keep the car for more than a few years.
    • You don’t mind paying more each month.
  • Consider your budget, need for flexibility, and long-term plans when making your decision.

What is the wisest course of action between financing and leasing while shopping for a new car in Illinois? Both options have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to consider your needs, budget, and desires.

 Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin will look at the key difference between financing and leasing to help you choose the most suitable option.

Understanding Car Financing:

When you finance a vehicle, you’re taking out a loan to pay for the entire cost of the car—minus any down payment. You’ll make monthly payments or installments on the loan until it’s paid off, typically three to seven years. Financing allows you to buy and own the car once the loan is paid off. But, of course, you’ll also be responsible for all repairs and maintenance after the warranty expires.

Understanding Car Leasing:

With a lease, you’re essentially renting the car for a set period—usually two to four years. At the termination of the lease, you can turn in the keys and walk away, or you may have the choice to purchase the vehicle outright. With a lease, you’ll likely have lower monthly payments than with a loan, and you may have the opportunity to drive a modern and a newer car more often since leases are typically shorter than loans.

Key differences: Financing vs. Leasing

One grey color Ram car is parked on the field.


  • With financing, you own the car outright and can do it as you please once it’s paid off—within the bounds of the law. You can sell it, trade it in, or keep it until it’s a classic.
  • With leasing, you’re essentially renting the vehicle for a set period and agreed-upon mileage limits. You can either turn in the keys and walk away or purchase the car outright at the end of your lease term.

Monthly Payments:

  • Since you’re paying off the car’s full purchase price together with interest and fees when you finance, your monthly payments will probably be more than they would be if you were leasing.
  • With leasing, your monthly payments will be lower because you’re only paying for a portion of the vehicle’s depreciation plus interest, taxes, and fees.

Down Payments:

  • Car Financing typically requires a larger down payment than leasing.
  • Leasing may require little or no down payment.

Mileage Restrictions:

  • Financing typically has no mileage restrictions.
  • -Most basic leases have an annual mileage cap of 15,000 or less. You can agree to a higher cap, but the monthly price will often go up. This is due to the automobile losing value during the lease. When you return the car, you’ll undoubtedly be assessed an extra price if you go over the yearly mileage cap.

End of Term:

  • With financing, you own the car and can keep it for as long as you want.
  • At the end of a lease, you have several options. You can purchase the car for its residual value, return it to the dealer, or lease another new vehicle.

Early Termination:

  • With financing, you need to make monthly payments to the bank. You can always sell your car while continuing to make regular payments or end the agreement by giving the bank the remaining balance.
  • With leasing, banks have the right to impose termination costs in the event of early termination of the contract. Usually, paying this charge equals continuing to make the first monthly installments.


  • Financing a car means you will eventually own the vehicle outright and can sell it or trade it in for its Kelley Blue Book value. The car’s value will decrease, but you may do anything you want with the equity.
  • With leasing, the car’s value is less of a concern because you will not own it at the end of the lease. The vehicle will have no equity when it is returned to the dealership.


  • Financing gives you the freedom to customize your car however you want. You can add aftermarket parts, paint them, or make any other changes without worrying about violating the terms of your agreement.
  • With leasing, you are usually restricted from making any changes to the car. This is because the vehicle will need to be returned in good condition at the end of the lease.

Wear and Tear:

  • With financing, you are responsible for all repairs and maintenance on the car. This includes scheduled servicing, oil changes, and unexpected repairs.
  • When leasing, you may have to pay for some scheduled maintenance and unexpected repairs, but typically not as much as if you were financing the car. There is also a higher chance that your vehicle will be under warranty for at least part of the lease, which can save you money.


There are pros and cons to both financing and leasing a car. It depends on your circumstances as to which option is best for you. Financing is the way to go if you want to own the vehicle outright and have more freedom to customize it. However, if you wish to lower monthly payments and don’t mind giving up ownership at the end of the lease, then leasing could be a better option. Whichever route you choose, make sure you do your research and understand all the terms and conditions before making a decision.

Auffenburg Chrysler of Herrin, serving Carbondale, IL, will assist you regardless of your credit history. Whether you want to lease a Dodge with affordable monthly payments or buy a used car with enticing financing, our finance department will help you drive away in your dream vehicle.

Get pre-approved now!

Coolant is being poured in a car.

Antifreeze Vs. Coolant: Radiator Solutions Made Simple

Coolant is being poured in a car.

Key Takeaways:

  • Antifreeze or coolant both refer to radiator fluid.
  • It keeps the engine running at an optimal temperature, even in cold weather conditions.
  • Antifreeze and coolant are essential for your vehicle and should be changed regularly every two years.
  • If you live around extreme temperatures or drive extensively in dusty conditions, you may need to change your coolant more frequently.
  • Check the color of the radiator fluid. If it is off, you should flush it with a new one.
  • If the fluid looks cloudy or milky, this may signify possible contamination with engine oil or transmission fluid from a petroleum product.
  • Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin offers car repair and maintenance services to customers in Johnston City, IL, and the surrounding areas.

When the weather cools down, you must ensure that your car is ready for winter. A critical constituent of your engine cooling system is radiator fluid comprising antifreeze and coolant. This liquid helps to keep your engine running at an optimal temperature, even in cold weather conditions. Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin will discuss the essential facts about antifreeze and coolants. We will cover everything from their composition to their benefits to how you can maintain them properly.

Radiator Fluid

Radiator fluid is the name given to both antifreeze and coolant. As a result, if you’re unsure what to call it, use that word instead. Now that winter is arriving soon, it’s time to prepare your car for extreme temperatures, salt-covered roads, and slushy driving conditions. Many individuals know that their radiator requires antifreeze when it’s freezing outdoors.

How it Works

Radiator fluid combines chemicals that prevent freezing, overheating, and corrosion. In addition, it serves as a heat transfer agent for the engine by warming the engine block when cold and drawing heat away from components when hot.

The cooling system runs in a loop, flowing through the engine and heater core before reaching the radiator and starting over again. Vehicle manufacturers ensure that their radiator fluid can protect your vehicle in hot and cold weather by considering all types of climates when they design it.

Corrosion inhibitors are added to these liquids to protect your engine and its cooling system from scale, rust, and pollutants that can harm their efficiency over time. Your car’s engine may overheat or seize up if you don’t have radiator fluid in it, causing significant damage to your vehicle and potentially leaving you stranded.

Composition of Coolant and Antifreeze

Coolant is made of water and glycol. Glycol is an antifreeze agent that helps to keep the liquid from freezing in cold weather conditions. It also prevents the coolant from overheating and boiling in extreme heat, helping to keep engine temperatures stable regardless of climate or driving conditions. The ratio of water to glycol in the coolant can vary, but it is typically around 50/5. The resultant coolant mix must have low freezing and high boiling points for antifreeze to work properly. It ensures that your engine will not overheat or freeze in extreme temperatures.

Learn more about the composition of coolant and antifreeze.

Benefits of Antifreeze and Coolant

There are many benefits to using antifreeze and coolant mix in your car.

1. Protects the Engine from Corrosion

It helps to protect your engine from corrosion and rust. It also helps to prevent overheating by circulating the coolant through the radiator.

2. Prolongs the Life of the Engine

Additionally, antifreeze and coolant can help prolong your engine’s life by keeping it running at an optimal temperature.

3. Regulates the Temperature of the Engine

Radiator fluid is a critical component of any engine cooling system. It helps to keep the engine running at an optimal temperature, even in cold weather conditions.

To keep your radiator functioning correctly, you must change the fluid regularly. Most car dealerships recommend changing it every two years. However, you may need to replace it more often if you live in an area with extreme temperatures or if you do much driving in dusty conditions.

Types of Radiator Fluids

Getting a compatible radiator fluid for your car is critical since many versions have various corrosion-inhibiting components. Organic, inorganic, and hybrid corrosion inhibitors

Many of these solutions coat the inner surfaces of engine components in a film of protective covering, which reduces friction and cleans them while also preventing deposits from forming. Radiator fluid comes in wide varieties, but the most important thing to remember is that it should never be mixed, and it’s preferable not to switch types during a refill.

If you mix different radiator fluids, a gel byproduct may form and clog the cooling system passages in your engine. It will cause the radiator fluid to overheat or freeze. So, if you’re unsure about what radiator fluid to use in your car, double-check before mixing them.

When is it Time for a Top Up?

You can check your coolant levels by finding the radiator fluid reservoir tank. Ensure your engine is cooled off, then open your vehicle’s hood. The coolant reservoir is usually a small white tank with maximum and minimum lines on the side. Next, find a cap with “engine coolant” or “antifreeze” written on it.

There are two things you need to check when it comes to your vehicle’s radiator fluid: the level and the color. The radiator fluid should be visible and fall between the two lines on the tank. If the color of the liquid is off, that means additives have been used up, and it might be time for a flush. If there’s a cloudy or milky look to the fluid, this may signify possible contamination with engine oil or transmission fluid from a petroleum product. In this case, take your car to a certified technician or the nearest car dealership as soon as possible.

Also, read our blog on DIY vehicle maintenance to keep your car in top-notch condition.

Need Car Repairs or Maintenance Services in Johnston City, IL? No Problem!

Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin, serving Johnston City, IL, is committed to providing excellent customer service. We want to ensure you have access to the expertise, equipment, and supplies you need to keep your car in top-notch condition. We carry a wide selection of antifreeze and coolants that will meet your specific needs.

Schedule your appointment!

We have a sizeable collection of new and pre-owned cars. And don’t forget about our Auffenberg Advantage–free car washes with every service visit, extra value for your trade-in, free appraisals, free vehicle history reports, and more! We look forward to serving your car at our dealership soon.

Contact us today!


5 Tips For Choosing The Right Tires For Your Dodge

When it comes time to replace your Dodge tires, it’s essential to make sure you select the right ones for your vehicle. Choosing the wrong tires can lead to decreased performance and dangerous driving conditions.

In this blog post, Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin will discuss five tips for choosing the right tires for your Dodge. We’ll cover everything from size and type to speed rating and load capacity. So let’s get started!

Tip 01: Match what you have – or get better

Looking for tires that match the ones you currently have on your vehicle is an excellent place to start. Your Dodge came equipped with a specific type and size of tire. When it’s time to replace them, you can stick with what you have or upgrade to something better.

If the size and performance of the current tires on your Dodge Durango are working well? Then continue using a comparable product. Want to increase your Jeep Gladiator’s off-roading capabilities? Upgraded options will help you take your experiences to the next level.

Tip 02: Consider your driving habits

How and where do you drive? Do you stick mainly to highways or venture off the beaten path? Do you frequently haul heavy loads or tow a trailer? You can get the right tires for your Dodge by providing answers to these questions.

If you do a lot of stop-and-go city driving, you’ll want a tire that can handle the heat buildup that comes with consistent braking. If most of your traveling is on motorways or highways, you’ll be looking for something different than someone who frequently drives off-road.

Tip 03: Consider weather conditions

All-season tires are a good choice for drivers who experience various weather conditions throughout the year. If you reside in a region that frequently suffers severe weather, you may want to consider investing in a set of winter or summer tires. Winter tires provide better traction and handling in snow and ice, while summer tires perform well in warm and dry weather.

Tip 04: Get to know the different types of tire treads.

Tire tread is the grooved pattern on the surface of a tire that comes into contact with the road. The depth and width of the tread determine how well your tires will grip the road. For example, all-season tires have shallower treads than winter tires because they are designed for various weather conditions.

Tip 05: Follow your budget – but prioritize quality

The cost of new tires for your Dodge can be high, so it’s important to factor in your budget when purchasing. That said, it’s also important to prioritize quality over cost. Choosing the cheapest option may save you cash in the short term, but it could cost you more in the long run if the tires do not provide safe and reliable performance.

So there you have it! By following these tips, you can choose the perfect tires for your Dodge.

Still uncertain about which tires are suitable for your Dodge?

We are here to help! Visit Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin, serving Pittsburg, IL, for all your car’s needs. We can handle any service your Mopar vehicle requires.

Schedule your service today!

One grey color 2022 Dodge Challenger is shown.

What Is A Certified Pre-Owned Used Car? And Are CPO Used Cars Worth It?

Two Dodge Challenger cars are shown.

Like most people, you probably think of used cars as less desirable than new cars. After all, who wouldn’t want to buy a brand new vehicle with no miles on it? However, there are many benefits to buying a used car instead of a new one. Certified pre-owned (CPO) used cars are one great option for those looking for a high-quality used car. But are CPO cars worth the extra money? Here’s what you need to know.

What is a CPO?

A CPO is a used car that goes through an extensive inspection process and repairs under strict expert supervision. CPO cars are essential “like new” cars but at a significantly lower price. To get certified, these vehicles must meet certain age and mileage requirements set by the car manufacturer.

The inspection process for a CPO car is comprehensive. Every certified pre-owned car must pass a strict multi-point inspection before going into the showroom. The inspection covers the interior and exterior of the vehicle, the engine, and other major mechanical components.

The interior inspection ensures no rips, tears, or stains on the upholstery and that all features (e.g., power windows, seat adjustments, etc.) are in working order.

The exterior inspection looks for scratches, dents, or other damage to the car’s body. The engine is inspected for performance and any potential issues.

The experts inspecting a car will repair or replace damaged parts to ensure the vehicle meets certified pre-owned standards.

The Benefits of a CPO Vehicle

Extended Warranty

These cars come with an extended warranty from the manufacturer. This warranty covers repairs for a certain amount of time or mileage, whichever comes first.

The warranty length varies by manufacturer, but it is often longer than the warranty on a new car.


Since CPO vehicles undergo extensive inspections and repairs, insurers don’t hesitate to offer lower rates for certified pre-owned cars. This is because CPOs have a lower chance of requiring repairs, so insurance companies see them as less of a risk.

Better Performance than Other Used Cars

A certified pre-owned car must meet specific standards set by the manufacturer to be certified. This includes a thorough inspection of the vehicle’s condition and any necessary repairs or replacements. As a result, CPO vehicles tend to perform better than other used cars.

Better Resale Value

These cars have better resale value compared to regular used cars. Since CPO vehicles have a warranty and go through a detailed inspection process, they are more valuable than other used cars.

With a certified pre-owned car, you can get all of the benefits of a new car without the hefty price tag. The number of CPOssold in the U.S. has increased significantly over the past decade, and that trend will only continue as consumers become more and more aware of the benefits of buying these vehicles.

At Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin serving Bush, IL, we have an impressive inventory of certified vehicles from some of today’s most popular automakers. Browse our selection today to find your perfect vehicle.

One happy couple is travelling in a car.

6 Reasons Why Summer Is Ideal For An Auto Air Filter Change!

Two mechanics is working on a car.

It’s summertime, which means hot weather, beaches, barbecues, and road trips. But it is also the perfect time to change your car’s air filters! Many people wait until their car starts making strange noises or notice a decrease in fuel efficiency before changing their air filters.

But did you know summer is the best time to do this? Here are six reasons why:

Reason 01: The Hot Weather Causes Your Car to Work Harder

During the summer, your car is stressed due to the hot weather. The air conditioner works overtime to keep you cool, and the engine has to work harder to maintain operating temperature. This means that your car’s engine is sucking in more air, which can cause dust and dirt in the engine air filter.

Reason 02: Increased Pollen Count

If you have allergies, you know that summertime means dealing with pollen. Unfortunately, your car’s air filter has to deal with it too. Over time, the pollen can clog up the air filters, making it harder for your car to breathe.

Reason 03: Other Allergens

If you deal with allergies, you know how irritating it is to sneeze and sniffle. Unfortunately, your car’s cabin air filter may also be responsible for similar symptoms if you are allergic to something other than pollen. When you switch on the air conditioning, pollen and other accumulated particles in your air filter will be pumped back into the cabin.

You can reduce the number of allergens in your car and make summers a bit more comfortable by regularly replacing your air filter.

Reason 04: You’re Driving More

During the summer, people tend to take more road trips and go on vacation. This means you’re probably putting more miles on your car than usual. And the more you drive, the dirtier your air filters get.

Reason 05: To Improve Fuel Efficiency

Due to increasing demand in the summer, gas prices often climb. Changing the engine air filter is a great place to start if you want to reduce fuel expenses. A blocked airflow from an engine’s air filter can force it to work harder and burn more gasoline.

Changing the air filter can make your car run more efficiently and spend less on gas.

Reason 06: Engine Overheating

The hot weather might cause your engine to overheat, which is another reason to update your car’s air filter before summer. The internal parts of your engine may become damaged if it overheats.

The air filter is in charge of preventing particles from entering the engine. If the air filter is clogged, less air will pass through the engine, which will cause it to overheat.

So there you have it! Six good reasons to change your car’s air filter this summer. Not only will it help your car run better, but it can also improve your gas mileage. So why wait? Go get your air filter changed today!

Don’t hesitate to visit and call Auffenburg CDJR of Herrin, serving Creal Springs, IL, for an air filter inspection this summer.

Schedule your service today!